Pls put tw or cw before spiders, animal abuse and gore

Likes: cats, shanties, baking, listening to music, horror movies, gfx
Dyslikes: food, mean ppl, birthdays, spiders, physics, when someone calls me by my name

Fav TV shows: Charlotte, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Bones, Sherlock, Rise of the Guardians, Scooby-Doo

Silve ? !

Minor she / he introvert
Sagittarius intj + 5w1
Polish - pl/ang

I don't listen to k-pop and i don't know anything about it, i talk a lot when i'm excited, i use emoticons ironically, english isn't my first language so i might struggle with it a bit,,
Fit basic dnfi criteria (lgbtphobic, racist, etc.), use fancy fonts, -13 or 20+, toxic genshin fan, you're making jokes about the war, don't give tw/cw